Title: | Kernel Ridge Mixed Model |
Description: | Solves kernel ridge regression, within the the mixed model framework, for the linear, polynomial, Gaussian, Laplacian and ANOVA kernels. The model components (i.e. fixed and random effects) and variance parameters are estimated using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. All the estimated components and parameters, e.g. BLUP of dual variables and BLUP of random predictor effects for the linear kernel (also known as RR-BLUP), are available. The kernel ridge mixed model (KRMM) is described in Jacquin L, Cao T-V and Ahmadi N (2016) A Unified and Comprehensible View of Parametric and Kernel Methods for Genomic Prediction with Application to Rice. Front. Genet. 7:145. <doi:10.3389/fgene.2016.00145>. |
Authors: | Laval Jacquin [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Laval Jacquin <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.1 |
Built: | 2025-02-25 04:45:32 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/ljacquin/krmm |
package provides tools for solving kernel ridge regression within the mixed model framework. It supports various kernels including linear, polynomial, Gaussian, Laplacian, and ANOVA. The package uses the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate model components (fixed and random effects) and variance parameters. Estimated components and parameters such as BLUP of dual variables and BLUP of random predictor effects for the linear kernel (also known as RR-BLUP) are available.
package implements kernel ridge regression for various kernels in the mixed model framework defined by , where
are the design matrices of predictors with fixed and random effects, respectively. The package provides the following functions:
, predict_krmm
, tune_krmm
, and em_reml_mm
Laval Jacquin
Maintainer: Laval Jacquin <[email protected]>
Jacquin et al. (2016). A Unified and Comprehensible View of Parametric and Kernel Methods for Genomic Prediction with Application to Rice. Front. Genet. 7:145 (in peer review)
Robinson, G. K. (1991). That blup is a good thing: the estimation of random effects. Statistical Science, 534 15-32
Foulley, J.-L. (2002). Algorithme em: théorie et application au modèle mixte. Journal de la Société française de Statistique 143, 57-109
# load libraries library(KRMM) # simulate data set.seed(123) p <- 500 n <- 300 gamma <- rnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 0.5) M <- matrix(runif(p * n, min = 0, max = 1), ncol = p, byrow = T) # matrix of covariates f <- tcrossprod(gamma, M) # data generating process eps <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 0.1) # add residuals Y <- f + eps # data generating process (DGP) # split data into training and test set n_train <- floor(n * 0.67) idx_train <- sample(1:n, size = n_train, replace = F) # train M_train <- M[idx_train, ] y_train <- Y[idx_train] # train krmm with linear kernel (i.e. dot product) linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RR-BLUP") summary(linear_krmm_model) print(linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$gamma_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # train krmm with non linear gaussian kernel (gaussian is the default kernel for RKHS method) non_linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RKHS") summary(non_linear_krmm_model) print(non_linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(non_linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # get test data from matrix of covariates for prediction M_test <- M[-idx_train, ] # get unknown true value generated by DGP we want to predict using predict_krmm f_test <- f[-idx_train] # -- prediction with linear kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression without fixed effects") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression with fixed effects added") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- prediction with non linear gaussian kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression without fixed effects, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with fixed effects added, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- tune krmm model with a gaussian kernel and make predictions for test data non_linear_opt_krmm_obj <- tune_krmm( Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, rate_decay_grid = seq(0.01, 0.1, length.out = 5), nb_folds = 3, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", ) print(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimal_h) plot(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$rate_decay_grid, non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$mean_loss_grid, type = "l") # get the optimized krmm model non_linear_opt_krmm_model <- non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimized_model # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = F) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test)
# load libraries library(KRMM) # simulate data set.seed(123) p <- 500 n <- 300 gamma <- rnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 0.5) M <- matrix(runif(p * n, min = 0, max = 1), ncol = p, byrow = T) # matrix of covariates f <- tcrossprod(gamma, M) # data generating process eps <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 0.1) # add residuals Y <- f + eps # data generating process (DGP) # split data into training and test set n_train <- floor(n * 0.67) idx_train <- sample(1:n, size = n_train, replace = F) # train M_train <- M[idx_train, ] y_train <- Y[idx_train] # train krmm with linear kernel (i.e. dot product) linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RR-BLUP") summary(linear_krmm_model) print(linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$gamma_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # train krmm with non linear gaussian kernel (gaussian is the default kernel for RKHS method) non_linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RKHS") summary(non_linear_krmm_model) print(non_linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(non_linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # get test data from matrix of covariates for prediction M_test <- M[-idx_train, ] # get unknown true value generated by DGP we want to predict using predict_krmm f_test <- f[-idx_train] # -- prediction with linear kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression without fixed effects") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression with fixed effects added") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- prediction with non linear gaussian kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression without fixed effects, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with fixed effects added, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- tune krmm model with a gaussian kernel and make predictions for test data non_linear_opt_krmm_obj <- tune_krmm( Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, rate_decay_grid = seq(0.01, 0.1, length.out = 5), nb_folds = 3, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", ) print(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimal_h) plot(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$rate_decay_grid, non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$mean_loss_grid, type = "l") # get the optimized krmm model non_linear_opt_krmm_model <- non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimized_model # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = F) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test)
estimates the components and variance parameters of the mixed model using the EM-REML algorithm.
em_reml_mm(Mat_K_inv, Y, X, Z, init_sigma2K, init_sigma2E, convergence_precision, nb_iter, display)
em_reml_mm(Mat_K_inv, Y, X, Z, init_sigma2K, init_sigma2E, convergence_precision, nb_iter, display)
Mat_K_inv |
numeric matrix; inverse of the kernel matrix |
Y |
numeric vector; response vector |
X |
numeric matrix; design matrix of fixed effects |
Z |
numeric matrix; design matrix of random effects |
init_sigma2K , init_sigma2E
numeric scalars; initial guess values for variance parameters in the EM-REML algorithm |
convergence_precision , nb_iter
numeric scalars; convergence precision and maximum iterations for the EM-REML algorithm |
display |
boolean; display estimated components at each iteration |
beta_hat |
estimated fixed effect(s) |
u_hat |
estimated random effect(s) |
sigma2K_hat , sigma2E_hat
estimated variance components |
Laval Jacquin <[email protected]>
Foulley, J.-L. (2002). Algorithme em: théorie et application au modèle mixte. Journal de la Société française de Statistique 143, 57-109
solves kernel ridge regression for various kernels within the mixed model framework: , where
are design matrices of predictors with fixed and random effects, respectively.
krmm(Y, X = rep(1, length(Y)), Z = diag(1, length(Y)), Matrix_covariates, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", center_covariates = T, scale_covariates = F, rate_decay_kernel = 0.1, degree_poly = 2, scale_poly = 1, offset_poly = 1, degree_anova = 3, init_sigma2K = 2, init_sigma2E = 3, convergence_precision = 1e-08, nb_iter = 1000, display = FALSE)
krmm(Y, X = rep(1, length(Y)), Z = diag(1, length(Y)), Matrix_covariates, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", center_covariates = T, scale_covariates = F, rate_decay_kernel = 0.1, degree_poly = 2, scale_poly = 1, offset_poly = 1, degree_anova = 3, init_sigma2K = 2, init_sigma2E = 3, convergence_precision = 1e-08, nb_iter = 1000, display = FALSE)
Y |
numeric vector; response vector for training data |
X |
numeric matrix; design matrix of predictors with fixed effects for training data (default is a vector of ones) |
Z |
numeric matrix; design matrix of predictors with random effects for training data (default is identity matrix) |
Matrix_covariates |
numeric matrix; entries for training data used to build the kernel matrix |
center_covariates |
boolean; center the matrix of covariates |
scale_covariates |
boolean; scale the matrix of covariates |
method |
character string; RKHS, GBLUP, or RR-BLUP |
kernel |
character string; "Gaussian", "Laplacian" or "ANOVA"" (kernels for RKHS regression ONLY, linear kernel for GBLUP and RR-BLUP) |
rate_decay_kernel |
numeric scalar; hyperparameter of the kernel (default is 0.1) |
degree_poly , scale_poly , offset_poly
numeric scalars; parameters for polynomial kernel (defaults are 2, 1, and 1) |
degree_anova |
numeric scalar; parameter for ANOVA kernel (default is 3) |
init_sigma2K , init_sigma2E
numeric scalars; initial guess values for the EM-REML algorithm (defaults are 2 and 3) |
convergence_precision , nb_iter
numeric scalars; convergence precision and maximum iterations for the EM-REML algorithm (defaults are 1e-8 and 1000) |
display |
boolean; display estimated components at each iteration |
The matrix Matrix_covariates
is mandatory to build the kernel matrix for model estimation and prediction.
beta_hat |
estimated fixed effect(s) |
sigma2K_hat , sigma2E_hat
estimated variance components |
vect_alpha |
estimated dual variables |
gamma_hat |
RR-BLUP of covariate effects (available for RR-BLUP method only) |
Laval Jacquin
Maintainer: Laval Jacquin <[email protected]>
Jacquin et al. (2016); Robinson (1991); Foulley (2002)
# load libraries library(KRMM) # simulate data set.seed(123) p <- 500 n <- 300 gamma <- rnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 0.5) M <- matrix(runif(p * n, min = 0, max = 1), ncol = p, byrow = T) # matrix of covariates f <- tcrossprod(gamma, M) # data generating process eps <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 0.1) # add residuals Y <- f + eps # data generating process (DGP) # split data into training and test set n_train <- floor(n * 0.67) idx_train <- sample(1:n, size = n_train, replace = F) # train M_train <- M[idx_train, ] y_train <- Y[idx_train] # train krmm with linear kernel (i.e. dot product) linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RR-BLUP") summary(linear_krmm_model) print(linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$gamma_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # train krmm with non linear gaussian kernel (gaussian is the default kernel for RKHS method) non_linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RKHS") summary(non_linear_krmm_model) print(non_linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(non_linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # get test data from matrix of covariates for prediction M_test <- M[-idx_train, ] # get unknown true value generated by DGP we want to predict using predict_krmm f_test <- f[-idx_train] # -- prediction with linear kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression without fixed effects") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression with fixed effects added") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- prediction with non linear gaussian kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression without fixed effects, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with fixed effects added, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- tune krmm model with a gaussian kernel and make predictions for test data non_linear_opt_krmm_obj <- tune_krmm( Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, rate_decay_grid = seq(0.01, 0.1, length.out = 5), nb_folds = 3, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", ) print(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimal_h) plot(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$rate_decay_grid, non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$mean_loss_grid, type = "l") # get the optimized krmm model non_linear_opt_krmm_model <- non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimized_model # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = F) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test)
# load libraries library(KRMM) # simulate data set.seed(123) p <- 500 n <- 300 gamma <- rnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 0.5) M <- matrix(runif(p * n, min = 0, max = 1), ncol = p, byrow = T) # matrix of covariates f <- tcrossprod(gamma, M) # data generating process eps <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 0.1) # add residuals Y <- f + eps # data generating process (DGP) # split data into training and test set n_train <- floor(n * 0.67) idx_train <- sample(1:n, size = n_train, replace = F) # train M_train <- M[idx_train, ] y_train <- Y[idx_train] # train krmm with linear kernel (i.e. dot product) linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RR-BLUP") summary(linear_krmm_model) print(linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$gamma_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # train krmm with non linear gaussian kernel (gaussian is the default kernel for RKHS method) non_linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RKHS") summary(non_linear_krmm_model) print(non_linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(non_linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # get test data from matrix of covariates for prediction M_test <- M[-idx_train, ] # get unknown true value generated by DGP we want to predict using predict_krmm f_test <- f[-idx_train] # -- prediction with linear kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression without fixed effects") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression with fixed effects added") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- prediction with non linear gaussian kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression without fixed effects, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with fixed effects added, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- tune krmm model with a gaussian kernel and make predictions for test data non_linear_opt_krmm_obj <- tune_krmm( Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, rate_decay_grid = seq(0.01, 0.1, length.out = 5), nb_folds = 3, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", ) print(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimal_h) plot(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$rate_decay_grid, non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$mean_loss_grid, type = "l") # get the optimized krmm model non_linear_opt_krmm_model <- non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimized_model # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = F) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test)
The predict_krmm
function computes predicted values for a given vector or design matrix of covariates using a krmm
model object.
predict_krmm(krmm_model, Matrix_covariates, X = rep(1, nrow(Matrix_covariates)), Z = diag(1, nrow(Matrix_covariates)), add_fixed_effects = FALSE)
predict_krmm(krmm_model, Matrix_covariates, X = rep(1, nrow(Matrix_covariates)), Z = diag(1, nrow(Matrix_covariates)), add_fixed_effects = FALSE)
krmm_model |
a |
Matrix_covariates |
numeric matrix; design matrix of covariates for target data |
X |
numeric matrix; design matrix of predictors with fixed effects for target data (default is a vector of ones) |
Z |
numeric matrix; design matrix of predictors with random effects for target data (default is identity matrix) |
add_fixed_effects |
logical; should fixed effects be added to the prediction (default is |
The Matrix_covariates
argument is mandatory for building the kernel matrix required for prediction, using the covariates from the krmm_model
f_hat or u_hat only |
Predicted values for target data, calculated as |
Laval Jacquin
Maintainer: Laval Jacquin <[email protected]>
# load libraries library(KRMM) # simulate data set.seed(123) p <- 500 n <- 300 gamma <- rnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 0.5) M <- matrix(runif(p * n, min = 0, max = 1), ncol = p, byrow = T) # matrix of covariates f <- tcrossprod(gamma, M) # data generating process eps <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 0.1) # add residuals Y <- f + eps # data generating process (DGP) # split data into training and test set n_train <- floor(n * 0.67) idx_train <- sample(1:n, size = n_train, replace = F) # train M_train <- M[idx_train, ] y_train <- Y[idx_train] # train krmm with linear kernel (i.e. dot product) linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RR-BLUP") summary(linear_krmm_model) print(linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$gamma_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # train krmm with non linear gaussian kernel (gaussian is the default kernel for RKHS method) non_linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RKHS") summary(non_linear_krmm_model) print(non_linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(non_linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # get test data from matrix of covariates for prediction M_test <- M[-idx_train, ] # get unknown true value generated by DGP we want to predict using predict_krmm f_test <- f[-idx_train] # -- prediction with linear kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression without fixed effects") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression with fixed effects added") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- prediction with non linear gaussian kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression without fixed effects, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with fixed effects added, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- tune krmm model with a gaussian kernel and make predictions for test data non_linear_opt_krmm_obj <- tune_krmm( Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, rate_decay_grid = seq(0.01, 0.1, length.out = 5), nb_folds = 3, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", ) print(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimal_h) plot(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$rate_decay_grid, non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$mean_loss_grid, type = "l") # get the optimized krmm model non_linear_opt_krmm_model <- non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimized_model # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = F) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test)
# load libraries library(KRMM) # simulate data set.seed(123) p <- 500 n <- 300 gamma <- rnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 0.5) M <- matrix(runif(p * n, min = 0, max = 1), ncol = p, byrow = T) # matrix of covariates f <- tcrossprod(gamma, M) # data generating process eps <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 0.1) # add residuals Y <- f + eps # data generating process (DGP) # split data into training and test set n_train <- floor(n * 0.67) idx_train <- sample(1:n, size = n_train, replace = F) # train M_train <- M[idx_train, ] y_train <- Y[idx_train] # train krmm with linear kernel (i.e. dot product) linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RR-BLUP") summary(linear_krmm_model) print(linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$gamma_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # train krmm with non linear gaussian kernel (gaussian is the default kernel for RKHS method) non_linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RKHS") summary(non_linear_krmm_model) print(non_linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(non_linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # get test data from matrix of covariates for prediction M_test <- M[-idx_train, ] # get unknown true value generated by DGP we want to predict using predict_krmm f_test <- f[-idx_train] # -- prediction with linear kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression without fixed effects") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression with fixed effects added") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- prediction with non linear gaussian kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression without fixed effects, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with fixed effects added, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- tune krmm model with a gaussian kernel and make predictions for test data non_linear_opt_krmm_obj <- tune_krmm( Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, rate_decay_grid = seq(0.01, 0.1, length.out = 5), nb_folds = 3, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", ) print(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimal_h) plot(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$rate_decay_grid, non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$mean_loss_grid, type = "l") # get the optimized krmm model non_linear_opt_krmm_model <- non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimized_model # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = F) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test)
The tune_krmm
function tunes the rate of decay parameter of kernels for kernel ridge regression using K-folds cross-validation.
tune_krmm(Y, X = rep(1, length(Y)), Z = diag(1, length(Y)), Matrix_covariates, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", rate_decay_kernel = 0.1, degree_poly = 2, scale_poly = 1, offset_poly = 1, degree_anova = 3, init_sigma2K = 2, init_sigma2E = 3, convergence_precision = 1e-8, nb_iter = 1000, display = FALSE, rate_decay_grid = seq(0.1, 1.0, length.out = 10), nb_folds = 5, loss = "mse")
tune_krmm(Y, X = rep(1, length(Y)), Z = diag(1, length(Y)), Matrix_covariates, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", rate_decay_kernel = 0.1, degree_poly = 2, scale_poly = 1, offset_poly = 1, degree_anova = 3, init_sigma2K = 2, init_sigma2E = 3, convergence_precision = 1e-8, nb_iter = 1000, display = FALSE, rate_decay_grid = seq(0.1, 1.0, length.out = 10), nb_folds = 5, loss = "mse")
Y |
numeric vector; response vector |
X |
numeric matrix; design matrix of predictors with fixed effects (default is a vector of ones) |
Z |
numeric matrix; design matrix of predictors with random effects (default is identity matrix) |
Matrix_covariates |
numeric matrix; entries used to build the kernel matrix |
method |
character string; RKHS, GBLUP, or RR-BLUP |
kernel |
character string; Gaussian, Laplacian, or ANOVA |
rate_decay_grid |
grid over which the rate of decay is tuned by K-folds cross-validation |
nb_folds |
number of folds for cross-validation (default is 5) |
loss |
loss function to optimize; "mse" for mean square error or "cor" for correlation (default is "mse") |
rate_decay_kernel |
numeric scalar; hyperparameter of the kernel (default is 0.1) |
degree_poly , scale_poly , offset_poly
numeric scalars; parameters for polynomial kernel (defaults are 2, 1, and 1) |
degree_anova |
numeric scalar; parameter for ANOVA kernel (default is 3) |
init_sigma2K , init_sigma2E
numeric scalars; initial guess values for variance parameters in the EM-REML algorithm |
convergence_precision , nb_iter
numeric scalars; convergence precision and maximum iterations for the EM-REML algorithm |
display |
boolean; display estimated components at each iteration |
optimized_model |
the tuned model (a |
mean_loss_grid |
average loss for each rate of decay tested over the grid |
optimal_h |
rate of decay minimizing the average loss |
Laval Jacquin
Maintainer: Laval Jacquin <[email protected]>
# load libraries library(KRMM) # simulate data set.seed(123) p <- 500 n <- 300 gamma <- rnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 0.5) M <- matrix(runif(p * n, min = 0, max = 1), ncol = p, byrow = T) # matrix of covariates f <- tcrossprod(gamma, M) # data generating process eps <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 0.1) # add residuals Y <- f + eps # data generating process (DGP) # split data into training and test set n_train <- floor(n * 0.67) idx_train <- sample(1:n, size = n_train, replace = F) # train M_train <- M[idx_train, ] y_train <- Y[idx_train] # train krmm with linear kernel (i.e. dot product) linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RR-BLUP") summary(linear_krmm_model) print(linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$gamma_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # train krmm with non linear gaussian kernel (gaussian is the default kernel for RKHS method) non_linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RKHS") summary(non_linear_krmm_model) print(non_linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(non_linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # get test data from matrix of covariates for prediction M_test <- M[-idx_train, ] # get unknown true value generated by DGP we want to predict using predict_krmm f_test <- f[-idx_train] # -- prediction with linear kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression without fixed effects") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression with fixed effects added") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- prediction with non linear gaussian kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression without fixed effects, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with fixed effects added, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- tune krmm model with a gaussian kernel and make predictions for test data non_linear_opt_krmm_obj <- tune_krmm( Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, rate_decay_grid = seq(0.01, 0.1, length.out = 5), nb_folds = 3, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", ) print(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimal_h) plot(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$rate_decay_grid, non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$mean_loss_grid, type = "l") # get the optimized krmm model non_linear_opt_krmm_model <- non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimized_model # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = F) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test)
# load libraries library(KRMM) # simulate data set.seed(123) p <- 500 n <- 300 gamma <- rnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 0.5) M <- matrix(runif(p * n, min = 0, max = 1), ncol = p, byrow = T) # matrix of covariates f <- tcrossprod(gamma, M) # data generating process eps <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 0.1) # add residuals Y <- f + eps # data generating process (DGP) # split data into training and test set n_train <- floor(n * 0.67) idx_train <- sample(1:n, size = n_train, replace = F) # train M_train <- M[idx_train, ] y_train <- Y[idx_train] # train krmm with linear kernel (i.e. dot product) linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RR-BLUP") summary(linear_krmm_model) print(linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$gamma_hat) hist(linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # train krmm with non linear gaussian kernel (gaussian is the default kernel for RKHS method) non_linear_krmm_model <- krmm(Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, method = "RKHS") summary(non_linear_krmm_model) print(non_linear_krmm_model$beta_hat) hist(non_linear_krmm_model$vect_alpha) # get test data from matrix of covariates for prediction M_test <- M[-idx_train, ] # get unknown true value generated by DGP we want to predict using predict_krmm f_test <- f[-idx_train] # -- prediction with linear kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression without fixed effects") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Linear RKHS regression with fixed effects added") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- prediction with non linear gaussian kernel # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression without fixed effects, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with fixed effects added, and default rate of decay (not optimized)") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # -- tune krmm model with a gaussian kernel and make predictions for test data non_linear_opt_krmm_obj <- tune_krmm( Y = y_train, Matrix_covariates = M_train, rate_decay_grid = seq(0.01, 0.1, length.out = 5), nb_folds = 3, method = "RKHS", kernel = "Gaussian", ) print(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimal_h) plot(non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$rate_decay_grid, non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$mean_loss_grid, type = "l") # get the optimized krmm model non_linear_opt_krmm_model <- non_linear_opt_krmm_obj$optimized_model # without fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = F) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test) # with added fixed effects f_hat_test <- predict_krmm(non_linear_opt_krmm_model, Matrix_covariates = M_test, add_flxed_effects = T) dev.new() plot(f_hat_test, f_test, main = "Gaussian RKHS regression with optimized rate of decay") cor(f_hat_test, f_test)